Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 2011 Goals!

Hello again,

I thought I just want to share this with you as I make the goals each month better.  So I learned some goals still "fail," but my friend, Kelsey Fireheart, told me, "No, still processing."  I realized that I did make some processing. But first let me show you my June 2011 Goals.

June 2011 Goals:

1) Get Level 43 Fire and Level 40 Death to reach Legendary and done quests.
2) Get Legendary Myth to get Warlord on PVP.
3) Get more tickets for Diana Wildheart to have Commander Robe, so I can stitch it up.
4) Have 50 followers for my blog, so I will have contest to give away free stuff.

Well, I can explain some.

1) Get level Fire and Death to legendary, not happening, but still processing, both are in Dragonspyre. And they are in Plaza of Conquest.

2) Get Legendary Myth to get Warlord on PVP.  I have not do my myth for pvp lately past last month.  

3)  Get more tickets for Diana Wildheart to have Commander Robe, so I can stitch it up. I still processing which I did get about 823 tickets so far, all I need about 120 tickets.

4) Have 50 followers for my blog, so I will have contest to give away free stuff. I have 68 followers which that very helpful with my idea for contest.  I really grateful for those who followed my blog. And I am glad that I set the contest and they enjoyed it.  I think I will have other contest later in about two months, but I will see how far I am. Thank you so much!

It made me realize that I can't complete the goals as I was planning for last month.  But I still processing which keep going, do not give up. And other reasons when you have a time, do it.  Don't push it off.  Kingsisle do have more surprises later this month or other time. And also my family sitution like sick or need something at home or break from game for a while.  So I have to think limit goals like 2 goals better so you can focus one goal a time, not 4 goals like I have set it up but not complete it.  

Now July 2011 Goals:

1) My life wiz will get commander robe as soon she get enough tickets.
2) Focus on Fire and Death to finish in Dragonsprye and Grizzleheim.
If I have more time or complete the goals, I may can focus on Myth to warlord.

I hope that this goals I made that I can focus on.  Wish me good luck!  =)

I wish you Good Luck with Spirals!

\|m/ Diana Wildheart

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